Sunday, June 1, 2008

Saturday Outing In Tutong

I'm sure everyone's been having so much fun this weekend since its a public holiday yesterday. I read the morning papers and it seemed that most families headed across the borders (its pay day, apalagi?). Marriz wanted to go outing so he picked me up and we made plans to head over to Tutong to pay a visit to our dear old friend Ejam, as I had suggested earlier. Before that, we had our lunch next to CarQuest as Marriz needed his car headlights fixed.

We then made a non-stop trip to Tutong and reached Ejam's house. We intended to crash his place without notifying him on the phone. It's more like a surprise visit. Turns out Ejam's available alright, though he wasn't really, how do you say, formally dressed when he showed up at the front door, and I was armed with my camera, shooting him hesitantly.

That's a really nice pair of military boxers. Too bad you all can't see it. LOL!

Of course, he wasn't very pleased about that so he gave us the finger...

So anyway, we got to chill in his crib for a while as I had to update my blog. At the same time, we got to welcome a very special person to the world, and that person was Ejam's new baby sister, who's only a few months old.

We decided to take Ejam along and headed over to the most beautiful and popular beach in Tutong. Anis was also there to join us for the outing. She just got back from ICC for the Job Fair, in which she represented the Standard Chartered booth. It's really been awhile since I saw those two together. It was their 4 year anniversary 3 months ago, and they still looked sweet together. So I took several shots of the couple, considered it as my anniversary gift to Ejam & Anis. Congratulations to both of them. 4 years is indeed a long time.

So there you have it. Tutong was fun, especially with Ejam & Anis around. I'm definitely coming back for another Tutong outing. In the meantime, I wish the couple a happy 4 year (+ 3 months) anniversary.


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