Havoc Outing at Berakas Forest Reserve

We're baaaaaack! The Havoc crew went for an afternoon outing earlier today at the Berakas Forest Reserve. Sham was also there to join us. Unfortunately, Joe couldn't make it as he had an important errand he had to take care of. Today's theme was nature photography. Check out Marriz and Cybercanon's blog for some stunning shots. As usual, I was shooting behind the scenes throughout the activity.

Testing my camera at home before heading to the meeting spot

Cybercanon in action. Check out that new lens add-on.

Stress jua menggambar atu...

Wish I could head down there

Never leave home without it

~ Siapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan... ~

Our day ended here

Akhir jua membaca suratkhabar atu Sham

Reviewing the shots
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