Havoc Photo Sale, Day 1

The photos are finally up for sale! Yesterday was merely booking day for our juniors interested to purchase their photos we took on the previous Business School function a week ago. Big thanks to Kevin of Ex-Zone for lending us their incubator for our display station. Not bad for the first day, the response has been very good. We've received very positive feedback on the number of bookings we've garnered throughout the day.

Took me a while to draw that
All photos will be printed in standard 5R size and will be sold at $2.00 per piece. Bookings are still on-going, which will carry on for every Saturday of the week. The first batch is now in their printing process at a renowned printing studio and will be available for collection next Saturday 1st of November (the only day of the week which we are available due to our attachment on weekdays). Those who have missed yesterday's booking list may proceed on collection day.

Marriz holding a printed sample
Most of the juniors stormed our station in Incubator 3 yesterday to have a glance at their photos displayed on our laptops. Bookings were made by filling up special forms indicating their details and the image numbering. We were at first hesitant about crowd control but yesterday went pretty well than expected. See you all again next Saturday.

This is what happens if portrait-oriented images aren't adjusted on the monitor

Macam boss... hehehe

The one and only Cybercanon

Here's an interesting fact. Incubator 3 used to be a classroom for ND/BNF/07, which was Sai's group. Sai and his colleagues used to be in this incubator throughout their first year from mid 2005 until 2006 before their first industrial attachment. My PD/BNF/02 class with Cybercanon was just next door at that time when Business School was a lot smaller. So many fond memories when we were there yesterday.

Somebody needs a break...
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