Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 4, To Tutong And Back

Sunday, the last holiday given to us as the next day is back to work (school for the kids). So we've decided to make the best of it. We continued our Raya with our friends from the day before and we set to visit our friends who live far. Our journey started at Khalisah's house in Bebatik before we headed to Tutong to visit our good ol' friend Ezam.

At Khalisah's

On our way to Tutong

Ezam missed us all so much

The food was fantastic!

Ezam's open house menu of the day: Dim Sum, Lamb Sate and Soto (I personally love the amazing cheese sticks)

As the dusk began to settle, we left Tutong and headed back to pick up Rena and we visited our ex-senior Nina's house close by in Kg Anggerek.

Nina and her niece

It's what I came for


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