Open House Galore

I think I ate a lot this raya, not because I wanted to, but because I was insisted to. So much for 30 days of fast. *LoL*. Open houses are everywhere these days, even on the first day of Raya. On the 2nd day of Aidilfitri last Friday alone, I visited a few houses and literally all of them were actually having open houses. Every house I've entered, I ended up grabbing the plate. There's just so much food and its like its never gonna run out. Note to self: gotta start running next week.

Rafhanah was over-kanyang to even look at food
Anyway, Sai and I went to visit Ms Nelia at her place on the 2nd day, as she had made an early invitation for us to come to her open house for her family, friends and her students of the Business School. She'll be leaving back to UK soon, so I thought I'd pay her a visit on this festive season her departure. Oh by the way, she had a karaoke set up at her house that day, and... I didn't know she can sing very well! ^_^

Ms Nel and Sai

Anak miss
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