Monday, August 4, 2008

Photogenic Feline

My kittens are doing fine, since you asked. I should leave them with their mothers for a few more days because they're still unfit to pose for my camera and their mothers won't approve of that. In the meantime, I'd like to share with you all a collection of classic stock photos of my previous late cats over the years which I've found still exist in my hard drive.

These old pictures were all taken with my old camera-phone (with a lil bit of photoshop enhancement) so apologies for the quality drop and enjoy viewing. Whew, I forgot I took a lot of photos of all my late cats for the past few years. May they rest in peace.

His favorite pastime; sunbathing by the doorstep (and often getting stepped on).

This one REALLY loved the couch.

She liked to be surrounded with shoes.

Marriz's fat lazy cat. Let me re-emphasize that; L-A-Z-Y!

Suffering from insomnia. Overtired pakah?

Mocking his friends, I suppose.

Looking through the cabinet for a milk carton?

They grew up so fast they forgot that they no longer fit in tight corners as they used to.

Prisoners of Abu Ghraib (Marriz's kittens)

This was one 'penyamal' little cat. No kidding!

The next top sports car model.

We saved a lot of time and effort sweeping the house.

Finally, this one's specially for Mimiets. Hehehe.


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