Thursday, July 24, 2008

To The Point of Exhaustion

No doubt that the month of July is perhaps one of the busiest months in the calendar year, what with all the festivities going on in the capital to commemorate His Royal Highness' birthday. I've been out all night. There's just no way I could sit at home when there's something going on in town worth checking out and photoshoot.

But for each and everyone of us, we have our limits. I've certainly hit mine this week. I got so tired and I've been sleepy all morning (thank god for instant coffee!). I guess I should start being mindful of my energy meter, I don't want my fatigue to affect my productivity at work. There's just so much stuff needed to be done this week alone, be it at work as well as the upcoming weekend activity I'll be involved in. Indeed, I've been sleepy for being up all night. I'm gonna crash early later. Gonna need all the energy for this weekend.

Zzzzz... *


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