Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Senior's Advice To The Juniors

Before my collegues and I step out of the business school for our 6 month attachment in a couple of months time, I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to the juniors if there are any wrongdoings I've made throughout the years in The Business School. I'd also wish to say thank you to all of you for all the moments we've shared together under one roof. And as a thank you gift, I'd like to share with my fellow juniors some friendly advice for your success in your future endeavours.

Study Hard, Study Smart
Aim for the best. The faith of your future is entirely in your hands. Work hard to achieve great results now and you will have a better career and a more meaningful life. For a better performance in your studies, be with those who are smart, dedicated and hardworking. And more importantly, whenever you're in doubt, don't be afraid to ask questions.

Be Proactive, Be Creative
As much as you study hard to achieve excellent results, don't neglect the practicals and activities that will be assigned to you. Be active in all aspects of tasks given, as it will reflect your quality of work in the future. Be active and unleash the creativeness in you. You all got it; you just need to get it out. Do not underestimate the power of your common skills.

Adapt The Right Mindset
As a business student, you should know what your objectives are. Start adapting a business mindset. Be aware of current issues, read newspapers, learn from the successful entrepreneurs, buy business and motivational books, put an interest in market trends, try running your own small businesses (that don't necessarily require a business registration). These are great investments in your life. Who knows, you might discover your talents in the process.

Respect your tutors and they will support you. Respect your seniors and they will help you. Respect your juniors and they will follow you. Respect your classmates and they will love you.

Make Friends, Not Enemies
Your fellow classmates and colleagues of your level are your greatest assets. Socialize with those you still have yet to get to know each other. It will benefit you during the Business Project. You'll never know who you'll end up with. Don't lose your friends and make enemies because it will only jeopardize everything (I'm not kidding!). Jangantah kan berpuak-puak.

Don't Procrastinate
Last minute work is pretty common, but if you're able to break that barrier, you'll go even further ahead. The best thing about organizing your schedule is that you will have quality in your assignments and enough time to rest (or have fun if you wish). Avoid procrastination and start using that organizer.

Give Something Back To The School
Should an opportunity arise, do what's best that will bring up The Business School, and the school will thank you for your dedication... and much much more!

Other advices I could think of:

  • Eat moderately. Don't fatten up like I did.
  • Don't overspend. Your allowance is not a treat for a sound system or the latest handphone.
  • Keep supporting the canteen. Trust me, you'll save more having lunch there than dining at KFC.
  • Don't be absent. Your attendance counts!
  • Keep our school clean
  • Keep our toilets clean!
  • Protect the tree of knowledge (points at the tree at the car park).
  • Stay away from drugs
  • Don't cheat on your boyfriends/girlfriends!!!
  • No partners? Stay single, like me! Siuk kali ah.
  • Bookmark / link my blog.
  • Visit my blog everyday.
  • Promote my blog to your friends.
  • Advertise at my blog. (I got carried away, haven't I?)
And lastly...

Don't Give Up
... because your education is the greatest investment you'll ever get.

I wish you all the best with your exams, and hope you all make it to the next semester. :)


Ak Mohd Herman said...

i should say most of them are good advice...and few of them i can say "terasa ku jua" don't spend your money on soundsystems and latest handphones...well i spend my money on those but i never forget to fill up my saving account every its better be safe...hey hadi..u forgot one thing...those who smoke try to stop, those who dont pls dont try...coz smoking just drains your money/allowance much more faster!!! :P

Hiero said...

Couldn't agree more. :P

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