Tuesday, December 23, 2008

End of Year Hiatus

I will be on hiatus for quite a while, meaning that I won't be updating for a few days, probably until this weekend due to the wrapping up of my industrial attachment. That's right, I've got work which needs to be finalized before I leave the company (last day's on the 31st) and my final attachment report to be completed (which is currently at 50% as I typed this... ugh). Not to worry though, this is just brief. I should be able to get everything done in no time. The end of the year sure is a busy one for me this year, unlike the time of the calm during the pre-Ramadhan and post-Aidilfitri days.

Not forgetting my fellow christian / catholic friends out there, whoever and wherever you are, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

What I really want for Christmas... *sigh*


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