Tuesday, December 18, 2007



My laptop isn't going any more faster. I've done so many things to get it up to speed e.g. defragmentation, disk cleanup, registry cleanup, etc, but it's still slow. I guess I've been using a lot of 'heavy' programmes for my work and play, like PhotoShop Cs3, InDesign Cs2, iTunes, Word 07, Excel 07, PowerPoint 07, Publisher 07, Outlook 07 (yes, all Office 07 programmes are freakin heavy!). And my 512mb RAM can't top that.

People kept telling me that getting a new computer is the most affordable way in these situations when your old computer starts to slow down, but I don't really enjoy the hassle of backing up and transfering all my data, reinstalling the essential softwares and selling off my obsolete laptop. All I need now is to upgrade to a higher RAM and reformat my system along the way, but then again I'd still have to do all those chores I've mentioned earlier, so yeah.


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