Thursday, February 7, 2008

Double The Size

Well, what a surprise. Apple has just recently announced its new line of higher capacity iPod Touch. Previously limited up to 16 GB upon its release last year, the new Touch now comes in 32 GB. Also, they even increased the size of the iPhone up to 16 GB now.

What do you know. If I didn't buy my 80 GB iPod Video in the first place, I would be considering this one right now. 32 GB is pretty neat for my songs collection, which has already reached a total 20 GB. But to think about it, that number would definitely increase in time, and that would make a 32 GB obsolete in no time. I guess I should just wait until at least an 80 GB iPod Touch is made available, then I'll pass my current iPod to my brother.

When the iPod Touch was announced last year, I was mesmerized by the fact that the multi-touch interface has been adapted into an iPod, but they've announced that a little too late. 2 months before the announcement I've already purchased an 80 GB iPod Video Black. Sigh. But I realized at that time that a 16 GB iPod is ridiculously insufficient for my ever-growing library, so I decided to stick with what I had.

I still love my iPod, regardless.


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